Online personal trainer

Train without being slowed down by everyday life with a personalized plan that keeps you motivated, from a 5K to running a marathon.

Application screenshots

The service includes...

Ultra Personalized Plan

We create a plan that adapts to your level, availability and final goal. Aiming to create a healthy habit.

Update trainings

We take into account your setbacks and are reactive to the plan, keeping you motivated.

Follow-up and contact

Your coach will be available to answer all your questions about training.

Injury prevention

We design routines with your well-being in mind, reducing the risk of injury.

Strength and Technique

Strength and technique training is key. As well as recovery and recovery and prevention.


Synchronize your device to improve our monitoring and individualized planning.

Service prices


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Nuestros clientes

Tu planificación, chat con tu entrenador y seguimiento en nuestra App.

Demo de Runnerpro

How do I start?

Choose a plan, follow these 3 steps and start your healthy running habit.

1. Complete your profile

In order for us to customize the plan to your level, availability and goal, we need to know more about you.
Complete your profile

2. Your coach creates your plan

Your personal trainer creates your customized plan in 24-48 hours. You can chat with us if you have any questions.
Running coach

3. Training available

Your next workouts are now available and every week your trainer will update them trainer will update them.
Chat application and home page screenshot

Opiniones de clientes

Frequently Asked

Does the price of the plan include personalized training, follow-up and the possibility of possibility of changes for personal reasons?
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Exactly! The cost includes a fully customized training according to your goals, direct follow-up with your trainer, and the flexibility to adapt your planning to personal eventualities.

Will I be able to maintain direct contact and follow-up with my trainer?
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Yes! A fundamental part of our proposal is the direct contact with your coach. You will be able to ask questions, receive feedback and have a personalized personalized follow-up to ensure your progress.

Does RunnerPro incorporate strength training into your plans?
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Of course! At RunnerPro we understand that strength is an essential component for a runner. Our plans integrate runner-specific strength training designed to improve your performance and reduce the risk of injury.

What qualifications do RunnerPro coaches have?
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All our coaches have degrees in Sports Science, Physical Education or related specializations Physical Education or related specializations. In addition, they have experience and specific training in the world of running. You are in the hands of experts!

Is it possible to start with the monthly plan and then opt for a quarterly or semi-annual plan?
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Yes, absolutely! You can start with our monthly plan and, if you feel RunnerPro is for you, you can easily migrate to one of our quarterly or semi-annual plans.

I have subscribed in the middle of the month, how does my access work?
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Your access begins on the day of your subscription and lasts for a full month from that date, regardless of when you subscribe.

In case of personal unforeseen events, can I modify my training schedule?
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Of course! We understand that life can present unforeseen circumstances. If one day you can't train or need to make changes, just let your coach know and we will adjust the schedule to meet your needs.

How often is my training plan updated?
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Your training plan is reviewed and updated on a weekly basis, plus daily contact. In this way, we ensure that it is adapted to your progress and any other relevant factors.

Institutions, Companies and Awards that recognize us

Institutions, Companies and Awards that recognize us
Institutions, Companies and Awards that recognize us
Institutions, Companies and Awards that recognize us
Institutions, Companies and Awards that recognize us
Institutions, Companies and Awards that recognize us
Institutions, Companies and Awards that recognize us
Institutions, Companies and Awards that recognize us

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